Tuesday 27 August 2013

Pleasant morning view

Not been up Bosley Cloud for a few months.

Took just over 45 minutes today.

Friday 23 August 2013

Butterflies, Snails and a full Moon

Been house sitting this week for my sister looking after her cats and snails!

Her butterfly bush definitely attracts the butterflies.

The snails have moved around their home.

Each day this week I've been up early to get back into the running. Covered 1 miles and a couple of 3km runs. Not running under an 8 minute mile yet!

Was up before 6am today and managed to catch a full moon once I was back after the run.

Missed having my camera with me earlier in the week as was following a heron back along the canal.

Saturday 3 August 2013

25,000 YouTube views

My YouTube channel has now had over 25,000 views.

Thanks if you have watched any of my 117 videos.